Monday, 18 April 2016

OUGD501 - Practical Research - Anothony Burrill, I like it what is it?

I recently purchased Anthony Burill's book ' I like it what is it?' his book has a series of 30 posters which are most popular on the back of the poster its goes into detail about how the poster was created, the production and process involved in creating the design. 

In particular my favourite poster out of the book is the 'Oil & Water Do NOT mix poster' 
2010 - This poster was inspired by the deepwater horizon oil spill in the gulf of mexico resulting in approximately 4.9 million barrells of oil covering the beautiful beaches and wildlife. This destroyed almost anything within contact. Burrill helpe to fundraise with charities to help protect and clean up the areas effected. Oil soaked sand was collected from the beaches, the sand was then used to screen print the message. I think this is a really political statement and not only this but great way of making good out of bad. The prints were completely experimental and luckily worked, the struggle with using sand meant the screen would rip and tear because of the harsh textures, it also exerted physical pain to be printed because of the toxic smelling fumes coming from the sand, making then actually cry.

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