Sunday, 25 January 2015

OUGD401 Essay Plan pt 2

From talking with simon and looking at my current essay plan
I do not need to make my essay directly about food branding
focusing it on just consumerism and branding will be easier
for me to focus with I have re written my essay plan to follow.

Detailed plan

 Consumerism/Brand essay(notes)

  • Consumerism is a global phenomenon 
  • We are all consumers. Unconsciously and consciously 
  • Products are marketed and aimed at us constantly creating a want.
  • Commodity fetishism - We buy things because we want them not
not because we need them, The idea that products/bands identify us -
the consumer self.

  • Is consumerism a major problem? or is it what modern day society
release on, such as jobs and careers etc.

  • What is consumerism?
  • Effects of consumerism
  • Consumerism and branding its associations, logo, identity, advertising
PR and tag lines and how this effects consumerism and wether it is successful

  • The consumer identity 
  • Conclusion/Summary of my essay.

OUGD401 Research into branding


"What do we mean by the word brand?

The words brand and branding are thrown around liberally by all 
sorts of people in different contexts and with different meanings 
in mind, so it may help to start by asking: what exactly is a brand?

The simplest answer is that a brand is a set of associations that a 
person (or group of people) makes with a company, product, 
service, individual or organisation.

These associations may be intentional – that is, they may be actively 
promoted via marketing and corporate identity, for example – or 
they may be outside the company’s control. For example, a poor 
press review for a new product might harm the product manufacturer’s 
overall brand by placing negative associations in people’s minds.

To illustrate the idea, let’s take what is arguably the best-known 
product – or brand – in the world: Coca-Cola.

Although essentially just a soft drinks product, Coca-Cola the 
drink is eclipsed by the sheer might of Coca-Cola the brand. 
This phenomenon is best summed up by the following quote 
from a Coca-Cola executive:

If Coca-Cola were to lose all of its production-related assets in a disaster, 
the company would survive. By contrast, if all consumers were to 
have a sudden lapse of memory and forget everything related to 
Coca-Cola, the company would go out of business.
- Coca-Cola Executive".

In conclusion to this what they are saying is that as consumers we 
decide what is a good brand - we make or break a company, we 
chose to remember what we want to acknowledge thus having 
direct impact on a brands success.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

OUGD401 Essay Plan

My essay Question: Whats the relatiosnship between branding 
and the consumer self?

  •  An Introduction into consumerism 
- Basic introduction what it is?
"what is consumerism?"
  • The effects of consumerism
"why do we need it, do we need it? is it successful?" 
  • Consumerism and branding
"The relationship between good branding and the selling of a product."
- What is successful branding?
  • Food Branding
- The relationship between food branding and consumers
  • Conclusion