Thursday, 25 February 2016

OUGD501 Basic and Current Essay Structure

1. An introduction into traditional print mainly about letterpress and screenprinting. These are the most popular traditional ways of printing.

2. The letter press process

3. The screen printing process

4. The differences between commercial print

5. People who use such process introduce Anthony Burill using Q&A from print isn’t dead interview, then interlink Burrill with Alan Kitching to further triangulate engage with William A Morris. List of Screen Artists: Blexbolex, Heretic,Jim o Raw, Killer Acid. (Split this in approx. 2/3 paragraphs for ease of read)

6. Conclusion why do some people use traditional print over digitally printed?

Is it a niche?

OUGD501 Essay Research - Oil & Water do not mix

Sunday, 21 February 2016

OUGD501 Blexbolex Research

Bernard Granger is a french illustrator / printmaker based in Berlin. He mainly illustrates books and uses an experimental style of printmaking.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

OUGD501 - Alan Kitching Video

Alan Kitching and Monotype from Monotype on Vimeo.

OUG501 - Interview with print manager at Kolorcraft

Print manager at a commercial print house
The Questions:

As a printer do you think that print is sustainable in the future? In terms of the economy or any other factors you can think of?
I think while there are physical shops , with large windows bill boards , and letter boxes to display , and post boxes printed material  will display offers there will be the need for print , and is more accessible to a smaller business i think that when the cost of digital screen panels drop it could be an issue , but then they have to be constantly powered to keep them displaying images , and these will never replace the bill board, although i do see the issue regards paper and it does create lots of waste, but can be recycled  like other products , if people supply the effort And after all with out print the progression of graphic design would never have existed , all the above is in a advertising sense  ,there are other markets like garment "t shits " and textile printing that will always have a need and now that digital textile printing machine are on the market this is the future .

Does print have an effect on the way in which it is seen as opposed to digital (online design)?
I think both are different markets , I'm no shopper on the streets but people seem to find it a pleasure and enjoy the walking and visually experiencing shops and want to be enticed to buy a product so it probably creates a visual experience, when i go online i generally know what i want , and just try to buy it the cheapest

Do you think print is valuable to the way in which people consume?
I think print can be more visually attractive especially posters and physical images within stores rather than nothing at all.

After answering all these what is your perspective of print in art & design such as a medium? What about those?
Unfortunately like everything else its driven by the market and fashion (trend) to some extent, for example screen is an expensive process and may become a luxury niche market rather than a popular technique. One day its history the next its popular. Its all about what people are willing to pay for uniqueness and vividness of colour that digital will never achieve.

Other notes from the interview:
Also what about food packaging and birthday and Xmas Cards books, banners road signs vehicle livery and print will never die.

Monday, 15 February 2016

OUGD501 - Practical Research - Alan Kitching A-Z

Alan Kitching's book A-Z rather than written is a guide of a variation of his types/prints all the way through the typography from the letterpress is really grainy and broken on some and it adds a depth of character.

OUGD501 Essay - Tutorial

After my tutorial and reading my feedback I realised that I was not answering the question I had set myself this had lead me down a path in which i did not enjoy answering as originally my essay was supposed to head in the direction of traditional print, and it didn't. So to help me write my essay I have decided to reword my questions and start again this will mean I will be behind but in doing so I have a clear direction and direction for the practical piece.

For my practical piece I will be creating a series of experiments and possibly a final print of my learnings and findings of traditional print using things like letterpress and screen printing, I want to show and explore why this niche market is popular in the graphic design world.

Monday, 1 February 2016

OUGD501 The Practical Crits

Before the crit I had prepared a mind map of broad and varied directions I could take my practical piece, In the crit I explained my ideas around how I could create a info graphic showing the elements of both print and digital. Although I personally liked this idea it did not show a clear direction or reasoning. I then went on further to suggest contrasting and creating my own magazine publication digital and printed. This had more positive reaction as I could consider both positives of the design and the way which my audience can digest the information. Because of this I will be looking into magazine design and the way in which we consume and wish to inhale our information.